EHP Training Guide
Base Compensation
As of June 2014, the starting rate at EHP for second photographer is $14 per hour. This rate is subject to change at any time. At EHP, we try to be above minimum wage because our vision is to keep our employees financially stable and inspired to work to the best of their ability.
Payment is disbursed every week on Friday. Employees may set up a direct deposit. Direct deposits can be started at any time. If an employee does not select direct deposit, a check will be mailed to his or her house every Friday, except holidays. W-2s will be mailed to each employee no later than January 20 every year.
Vacation Pay and Sick Pay
Employees will receive seven paid vacation days per year. In addition to paid vacation days, employees will receive five sick days per year. If an employee wishes to use his or her sick day on the day of an event, such as a wedding, the employee must find a suitable replacement to fulfill his or her role for that day. If the employee fails to do so, it will count as a no-show. Employees must not acquire more than two no-shows. If the employee acquires more than two no-shows, the employee may be subject to termination.
Performance and Salary Reviews
Elizabeth will meet with each employee every six months to complete a performance review. The employee will be informed one month in advance of the upcoming performance review. The employee may prepare a presentation showing his or her improvement or accomplishments in the previous six months. The employee may also ask for an increase in salary during a performance review. Elizabeth will also provide specific feedback during the review. Failure to present during a performance review will not negatively affect the outcome of the performance review, but it will not increase the likelihood of a raise.
Meal and Break Periods
For a shift shorter than five hours, employees will receive one fifteen-minute break. For a shift longer than five hours, employees will receive two fifteen-minute breaks and a 30-minute lunch. The employee is required to sign a lunch waiver to waive his or her lunch during a six-hour shift.
During an event or wedding, employees will receive breaks based on the timeline of the day. For example, an employee may go four hours without a break during a wedding due to the nature of the event. The employee is required to sign a lunch waiver to waive his or her.
Overtime Pay
Employees will receive time and a half after working eight hours consecutively.